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San Jose, California
3 Questions
51 Karma

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Richard’s Avatar
Richard May 01, 2023 315 views

In commercial diving is there gonna be more than just one team in the water or more than one so the job can get done a lot faster?

in commercial diving is there gonna be more than just one team in the water or more than one so the job can get done a lot faster?

Richard’s Avatar
Richard May 01, 2023 446 views

How do commercial divers carry all that gear within the water without dropping it into the dark of the water?

how do commercial divers carry all that gear within the water without dropping it into the dark of the water?

Richard’s Avatar
Richard May 01, 2023 603 views

whats the daily life of a commercial diver welder

what is it like in the daily life of a commercial diver welding