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Mira’s Avatar


Tacoma, Washington
2 Questions
166 Karma

Mira’s Career Goals

I want to change the world for the better. Whether it be zoology and conservation or politics and law.


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Mira’s Avatar
Mira May 05, 2023 5528 views

How do I actually get into top tier schools?

Hi! I am aiming for top tier schools. I am a current freshman, 4.0 GPA. I do student council and mock trial. This year I took one AP and advanced class, next year I will be taking 3-4 AP classes. I am interested in zoology, pediatrics, youth advocacy, law, and government. What can I be doing to...

Mira’s Avatar
Mira May 02, 2023 745 views

What job should I choose?

I am interested in zoology, law, working with kids, and politics. I am hoping to study a lot at top colleges, and make a decent amount of money :)