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Joyce Maingi’s Avatar

Joyce Maingi

Senior Technical Recruiter
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Seattle, Washington
5 Answers
5880 Reads
12 Karma

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Dau Sam’s Avatar
Dau Sam May 22, 2023 1078 views

How important is a college education in our day and age when it comes to getting a decent Job?

I am curious due to many people´s conflicting comments about the subject of college and if it is worth the time and money to complete it and get a degree.

keyreign’s Avatar
keyreign May 17, 2023 449 views

what schools offer to be a chef or doctor

what schools offer to be a chef or doctor

Ashlyn’s Avatar
Ashlyn May 19, 2023 1931 views

What is the best way to find my passion?

There are a lot of things I like a little, but nothing that has made me want to do it for the rest of my life. I feel lost and confused sometimes, or like it's too late to develop a new passion (even though I know it isn't.) I am really interested in doing something creative and personal,...

Venujan’s Avatar
Venujan May 19, 2023 2037 views

Should you aim for a high-paying career or a career you love?

I want to do teaching but my parents want me to do engineering or medicine.

keyanna’s Avatar
keyanna May 09, 2023 414 views

what are the pros and cons of being an entrepreneur?

age 18