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San Jose, California
3 Questions
51 Karma

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Benjamin’s Avatar
Benjamin May 23, 2023 282 views

Is there any special training for a Water-resource specialist?

what kind of education do i need to be a Water-resource specialist ? any special training i will get while working as one? if this is a proffesion i choose to follow.

Benjamin’s Avatar
Benjamin May 22, 2023 417 views

What are your favorite things about being a Water Resource specialist??

what are your least favorite things about being a water resource specialist?

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Benjamin May 22, 2023 306 views

What does a normal day look like for a Water Resource Specialist?

If possible what does a busy day look like to a Water Resource Specialist?

I'm a student an SJ Job Corpse and I would like to know, in case this is a future profession i would like to follow