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Tenia Green, MS’s Avatar

Tenia Green, MS

Martech Manager
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Fremont, California
6 Answers
6317 Reads
31 Karma

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Christopher’s Avatar
Christopher May 25, 2023 949 views

What kind of skills would someone need to be recognized by a famous company?

For example, what kind of skills would someone need to be recognized by google or facebook?

Lydia’s Avatar
Lydia May 25, 2023 891 views

What is the best clubs in school or activities to do when going into my sophomore year of high school?

I am currently a freshman going into my sophomore year of high school, looking for things to so either this summer or over the school year to help with college applications.

jessica’s Avatar
jessica May 25, 2023 678 views

how can i be guaranteed a well-paying job in business field ?

how can i be guaranteed a well-paying job in business field

Ivan’s Avatar
Ivan May 25, 2023 722 views

How do I get into more competitive majors in college?

Most engineering majors in college are extremely competitive, how do I stand out?

Ivan’s Avatar
Ivan May 25, 2023 1485 views

How do I network in college?

When it comes to engineering careers relating to it I hear that often times people need to network and build connections but how exactly do people do that and how early can I start?

Alexandria’s Avatar
Alexandria May 25, 2023 1644 views

Does it matter if I go to college or not?

Does it matter if I go to college or not?