Samantha M Kaib
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What is advice you would give a stressed high school student who is confused about what career they would like to pursue?
I have very many skills and a constant desire for learning and self-improvement. However, because I love so many subjects, I find it difficult to just stick with one major and am constantly changing my mind about what I actually want to do. Please help!

How do I reach my full potential?
What steps should I start to take in my life in order to set myself up for a successful future and career?

Diversity is becoming a big component for many companies. I believe that diversity should not be just stated but it should be felt. What are some ways an organization can make diversity something that is felt rather than sold?
As a student that is on the Diversity Empowerment Council at the Robert H. Smith School of Business, I would like to find out new creative ways to create initiatives that will help empower my community.
#business #consulting #diversity

What is the best way to network in consulting?
Is it best to set up a zoom or meet for coffee? Do most consultants respond to cold emails or should I try to connect with them on LinkedIn?

How do I become an Expert?
How does one go from a student to an expert, and what are strategies that you use to help retain information necessary for your expertise?

My degree is supply chain management, is it worth it to pursue a masters?
My degree is supply chain management. Is it worth it getting a masters? how much salary increase are we talking? Is it better to go up the corporate ladder and secure a managerial position. Everyone is telling me to get a masters but I am a person that genuinely hates school. Always did. I'm...

How can I figure out what career is right for me?
I wanna make a lot of money, and I have knowledge in biomedical science, but am interested in music and philosophy. So I am not sure what to do!