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Patrick Mays’s Avatar

Patrick Mays

Chief Operating Officer
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
San Antonio, Texas
8 Answers
13107 Reads
1 Karma

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Mercedes’s Avatar
Mercedes Jul 14, 2023 447 views

What is the best approach for someone to study international business and get a good position?

I want to learn international business and learn new skills like affiliate marketing.

Payton’s Avatar
Payton Jul 12, 2023 451 views

What is a good way to start looking for internships over summer for a Cybersecurity major with a minor in Spanish? What are good job opportunities throughout the cybersecurity field? ?

What are good job opportunities throughout the cybersecurity field? ?

Luca’s Avatar
Luca Jul 13, 2023 872 views

How to network and get an IB bulge bracket internship?

I would like some pieces of advice on how to network/increase my chances to get an IB internship at a bulge bracket bank. I am an international rising sophomore at Stanford with perfect grades and relevant finance internships. However, I am not great at networking and know that it is super...

Emma’s Avatar
Emma Jun 19, 2023 659 views

How can I narrow down all the career paths I am interested in?

There are a lot of things I want to find more about, but am not sure where to start! I have gotten some experimenting and knowledge through school clubs and asking family members about their jobs, and have signed up for one job shadow. But there aren’t many job shadows around me and I’m not...

Jayden’s Avatar
Jayden Jun 19, 2023 624 views


What is consulting? I am a 3rd year in college and I am an accounting major. I'm currently looking for different careers that might interest me.

Charlie’s Avatar
Charlie Jun 14, 2023 8114 views

What college should I apply to for music business major?

What colleges should I apply to if I want to major in music business/management? Berklee Boston and The Hartt are already on my mind but I'm still looking for more options.

Karina’s Avatar
Karina Jun 16, 2023 623 views

How can I be financially successful ?

I want advice or tips to be financially successful so that I can help my family live a good life

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Jun 19, 2023 1273 views

When should I get an MBA? After I have had a full-time job or right after undergrad?

I am a rising junior in college and I am also wondering if I should take the GRE as opposed to the GMAT.