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Emma Matzke’s Avatar

Emma Matzke

CG Generalist
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
7 Answers
7826 Reads
11 Karma

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Shana’s Avatar
Shana Mar 13, 2023 2093 views

Is attending film school necessary to work in the film industry?

I've heard people argue that film school is a waste of time and you can succeed in the film industry without going to school. What are the benefits of attending film school? Is it hard to find work in the film industry if you do not attend film school?

Shaniya’s Avatar
Shaniya Sep 16, 2022 917 views

What is the daily life of a screenwriter for a film production company?

I currently write scripts and possibly am looking at being a screenwriter as a career choice but I don't even know what they do beside write scripts. Do they do other things?

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 23, 2023 1000 views

Which seasons of the year are toughest in your job?

Note: this is part of our Professionals series where volunteers share questions they wish they saw on the platform

Aasiyah’s Avatar
Aasiyah Jun 20, 2023 403 views

What are one of your typical workdays like?

I want to know something that I haven't before

Ariel’s Avatar
Ariel Jun 18, 2023 1076 views

How do I become an editor or designer but for movies?

I want to edit films like "Everything, Everywhere All at Once" or the "Spiderman: into the spider-verse and across the spider-verse" but I don't know how to get into the editing industry or what to do to start a portfolio. I am in school for Graphic Design for Digital Media but I just do not...

Mike’s Avatar
Mike Jun 19, 2023 3293 views

What are career opportunities in the Art/Creative world for someone with a Business background?

Hello, I am someone who is passionate about the arts and creative sphere, but have chosen a business and social sciences degree path because I would like to utilize those skills in a workplace. What would the opportunities for someone with my background look like in the creative space? Project...

Joseph’s Avatar
Joseph Jun 20, 2023 633 views

How can I tell if what I’m currently doing in high school will lead to success in my future?

I’m a tenth grade interested in writing and documentary film making.