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Tejas Gupta’s Avatar

Tejas Gupta

Software Engg
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Pune, Maharashtra, India
3 Answers
3131 Reads
1 Karma

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Chiranjeev’s Avatar
Chiranjeev Aug 10 1386 views

how good or bad of a decision it is that I don't have any interest in computers but I am pursuing AI/ML engineering and have very basic DSA knowledge or DSA skill yet I am trying to be consistent with it with bad math foundational knowledge please explain your reason in depth

I took it because my mom and all my family members pushed me to do it and day by day I feel like something is horrible is about to happen to me idk what

Ayushi’s Avatar
Ayushi Jul 01, 2023 937 views

I'm confused as to which career path I should follow. What will help me to decide?

I am stuck between medicine and computer science/STEM.

Maya’s Avatar
Maya Jul 08, 2023 924 views

Was how much money a career made a factor in deciding what to do?

I have been trying to research different majors in college and different jobs. Its just that I want to be able to provide for my family and I'm scared that I'm gonna choose a job with low pay.