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Dexter Norris’s Avatar

Dexter Norris

Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Military Specific Occupations
Killeen, Texas
4 Answers
10523 Reads
1 Karma

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Destiny’s Avatar
Destiny Dec 18, 2023 2409 views

What should I do if I'm scared of debt in college?

What should I do if I'm afraid of putting myself in debt for college, and am considering not pursuing my dream career because of it?

Marco’s Avatar
Marco Aug 22, 2023 5333 views

Should I start working on getting a car before joining the military?

How useful is having a car while serving active duty in the military?

alex’s Avatar
alex Jul 08, 2023 1138 views

how do i go to college for music?

how do i get to college for music performance, what should i do, why should i go to college for it, and when should I start applying. I am in the 10th grade

Makayla’s Avatar
Makayla Jul 08, 2023 458 views

What major should I pick?

What is the best way to find out what to major in at college if you have multiple paths in mind?