Caitlyn Johnston
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How do I start coming up with ideas for stories for my writing?
I want to be an professional writer but I’m unsure on how to create or develop the ideas for stories. Are there any tips to create great concepts and stories and actually put them on the page?

How do I become an editor or designer but for movies?
I want to edit films like "Everything, Everywhere All at Once" or the "Spiderman: into the spider-verse and across the spider-verse" but I don't know how to get into the editing industry or what to do to start a portfolio. I am in school for Graphic Design for Digital Media but I just do not...

What do I need to do to prepare myself for college?
How can I figure out what I want to do for a career and then how can I best prepare myself as a sophomore in highschool? Im also wondering what classes or activities I should be taking in order to look good on my transcripts.

How can I make a good profit by doing something in the english category, that isn’t teaching?
How can I make a good profit by doing something in the english, book region of things. I am in 10th grade, and I have heard from teachers that becoming an author is not a good idea, (What I was wanting to do) because you won’t make enough money to live unless you books hits bestsellers. So is...

how do i go to college for music?
how do i get to college for music performance, what should i do, why should i go to college for it, and when should I start applying. I am in the 10th grade

Everyone says that writers make no money even if you're famous. Is that true?
I really like writing and have thought about being a play writer but a lot of my friends and teacher say that it would be a really hard profession.