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Queensburgh, KZN
5 Questions
365 Karma

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Diya Oct 25, 2024 2772 views

How are grades converted for international students?

I am currently a grade 11 learner going on to matric in 2025. I wanted to know how my grades from a percentage based report would be converted for university applications. Would I have to take the SAT’s or any other tests or would my current grades be converted as they are.

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Diya Oct 25, 2024 364 views

What financial aid is available for international students?

I am currently a grade 11 learner going on to matric in 2025. I wanted to know what financial aid, scholarships or bursaries are available for this. How would I go about applying for said financial aid.

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Diya Oct 25, 2024 2174 views

Which overseas schools offer financial aid for international students?

I am currently a grade 11 learner going on to matric in 2025. I wanted to know what schools offer financial aid specifically for international students and the amount that would be covered ie are their full scholarships available.

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Diya Oct 25, 2024 195 views

What is the university application process like for international students ?

Hi everyone, I’m currently a grade 11 students going on to matric in 2025. I wanted advice on the application process for applying overseas. Would the applications have a separate section for international students or are there any other details I need to include when applying. Thank you for...

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Diya Jul 13, 2023 6458 views

Can a chemical engineer work in the pharmaceutical industry?

Can a chemical engineer work in the pharmaceutical industry, where they might create new medicines, synthetic versions of existing medicines, or use cells to help understand diseases, disease pathways, and human responses to drugs? If so can you please advise on the degree and pathway needed...