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Prajna Harish’s Avatar

Prajna Harish

Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
5 Answers
3755 Reads
1 Karma

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Miracle’s Avatar
Miracle Jul 24 1804 views

what are the steps to take to succeed in my career?

8th grade
study accounting

Tashneen’s Avatar
Tashneen Jul 29 932 views

How can I get more experience in UX design?

I'm a freshman in college and considering UX design as a second major. I don't really have experience in it and don't know how to start building my skills. Any advice?

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla Jul 26, 2023 809 views

How do I start a graphic design business?

I’m 14 going to high-school and I want to make some extra cash whilst sharpening my skills. I also really want to earn (at least) my bachelors in graphic design and hope to get my AA in high-school through dual enrollment

David’s Avatar
David Jul 26, 2023 722 views

What are good careers that have good pay when it involves plumbing?

I am wanting to be a Plumber and want it to be my career because I have somewhat experience with working the waterworks and I want it to be my career but, I don't know what kind of plumbing I can do