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Midway City, California
2 Questions
81 Karma

Jesus’ Career Goals

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Jesus Jul 26, 2023 385 views

Mechanics, If you could have prepared yourself before going into auto-motive how would you have done it?

Would you have studied a certain subject? Maybe get your own project car to practice on your own time? Would it be better to just wing it and learn what I need as I go through it?

Jesus’s Avatar
Jesus Jul 26, 2023 432 views

Auto Mechanics, Would you recommend pursuing further education or chasing a career right after getting a certificate?

I'm a student at the Longbeach Job Corps center and I recently was told that I would not be able to do C.B.T. I became interested in automotive soon after and am curious as to whether I should just get my degree and start working or if I should go to college to pursue further education?