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dinesh rn’s Avatar

dinesh rn

Reporting analyst at Dell
Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
4 Answers
6267 Reads
31 Karma

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Anastasia’s Avatar
Anastasia Oct 26, 2016 1633 views

How do I find a specialty in economics?

I am majoring in economics, and I want to decide what within economics I want to pursue. #economics

Blade’s Avatar
Blade Oct 26, 2016 1133 views

As a computer Engineer, which would you insist to pursue a life-time career in? Hardware or Software?

High School student, deciding if I should do hardware or software in computer engineering. #computer-software #computer #computer-engineering #computer-programming #computer-hardware

Blade’s Avatar
Blade Oct 26, 2016 2403 views

Do Computer Engineers actually use Mathematics in everyday life?

I'm a high school student, and love math, but does the career I'm trying to pursue in actually even use it? #computer-science #computer-software #engineer #computer-engineering #computer-hardware

Kai’s Avatar
Kai Oct 26, 2016 1089 views

Is there a merit selecting an Applied Physics/ Engineering Physics major over a mechanical or aerospace engineering major career wise in the future? Which offers more critical problem-solving requirements for these jobs?

As a student primarily interested in math, physics, and engineering, I constantly wonder which major I should decide. I have loved the necessary logic and problem solving required in some of the math and physics courses I take in high school but always consider if engineering is the right major...