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Gucci Nava’s Avatar

Gucci Nava

WFM Analyst
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Santa Rosa, Calabarzon, Philippines
3 Answers
2140 Reads
2 Karma

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Montgomery’s Avatar
Montgomery Aug 28, 2023 1098 views

I need help with figuring a job out. any ideas for alternative job choices?

I want to get a job so I'm able to help support my family, and get myself nice things. problem is, i cant do manual labor or 'normal' jobs because of disabilities that i'd rather not share online here. any ideas for alternative job choices?

Vanessa’s Avatar
Vanessa Aug 26, 2023 863 views

What should I know before going into high school?

I'm 13 and I'm going to be in 9th grade soon so I want to know some challenges I may face and what to do because I'm scared. There are some people that say it sucks and some say it's not that bad so pls help, I need answers.

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Aug 31, 2023 507 views

Hi, my question would be are there any job sites that are suggested ?

I have been using apps like indeed, and ZipRecruiter but have had no luck. I would like to know if there are any other either hiring companies or pages recommended to look into.