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Joshua Spitaleri’s Avatar

Joshua Spitaleri

Systems Engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Charlottesville, Virginia
3 Answers
10452 Reads
11 Karma

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Anna’s Avatar
Anna Sep 20, 2023 2159 views

What are good remote jobs?

What are remote part-time jobs that I can do as a high school student? Specifically, I am looking for entry level coding jobs.

Anna’s Avatar
Anna Sep 20, 2023 6160 views

What certifications should I get to get a job in computer science?

I hear a lot about AWS certifications or Amazon ones. Which ones are best to get into machine learning and data science jobs?

Ari’s Avatar
Ari Sep 22, 2023 2229 views

How do I find the right job for me?

When will I find a job that seeks my attention?
How do I find I job I know I'll be happy with when I'm not interested in anything currently ?
What career best suits easy-going persuasive people?