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Anh Ngo’s Avatar

Anh Ngo

Sr Software/Firmware Engineer
Production Occupations
Redmond, Washington
8 Answers
19972 Reads
1 Karma

Active Locations

Tio’s Avatar
Tio Jul 18, 2023 988 views

What technical skills should I have to land a good internship as a computer engineer intern next summer? What intern role will best fit my majors

I'm a sophomore in my undergrads, double majoring in electrical and computer engineering and physics.

Phineas’s Avatar
Phineas Sep 13, 2023 784 views

How did you learn c#?

It hurts my brain

Elijah’s Avatar
Elijah Oct 02, 2023 529 views

Is it a good time to try to pursue a degree in computer science?

I'm a sophomore in high school, but I'm already very interested in coding, particularly game development.

Christopher’s Avatar
Christopher Oct 03, 2023 516 views

What things did you have to study to work with computer gaming ?

What subjects and certain details they had to turn. It

Alex’s Avatar
Alex Oct 12, 2023 843 views

How rigorous are computer science degrees?

How long on average does it take to get a job after completing said degree?

Edward’s Avatar
Edward Oct 23, 2023 3582 views

What "path" does one take to get a degree in computer science (or in that area, programing, software etc.) in junior year (3rd) of high school ?

I'm currently a third year in high school and still lost on what path to take to get to a computer science degree or in similar area. I feel like it might be too late to correct my path I've made without thinking.

Angel’s Avatar
Angel Oct 16, 2023 10664 views

Does it matter where you get your college degree from, if you wanna work at a big tech company?

I’m a senior in high school and I want to study computer science to become a programmer, the thing is that college is can be sort of expensive, I wanted to go out of state to a tech school but it is kind of pricey, the thing is that a college near me offers a computer science program as well...

emeis’s Avatar
emeis Oct 04, 2023 1273 views

How can I code as a beginner?

How can I learn to code for a person who had not heared of coding or having to code.