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Scott Adler’s Avatar

Scott Adler

Physician (recently retired)
Langhorne, Pennsylvania
32 Answers
27908 Reads
31 Karma

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Veronica’s Avatar
Veronica Jan 31 573 views

Would it be better for me to take AP or IB if I want to be a pediatrician?

I am currently a freshman taking an IB course, but I have the opportunity to switch to AP. However, if I choose AP, I would need to take Latin. Unfortunately, my school does not offer many AP courses that align with my intended major, with the exception of Biology. The available AP courses...

Ellington’s Avatar
Ellington Feb 08 816 views

What high school courses would be helpful if I want to pursue a career in neurology?

I have a 3.5 GPA, and I am open to any courses but I am having trouble picking what classes would be beneficial to this career path.

Shyanne’s Avatar
Shyanne Jan 08 623 views

As a 10th grader how could I reach a goal if my school can't help me?

How would I as a 10th grade student achieve me becoming a doctor l. I've always dreamed of being a doctor but my school doesn't have any classes we're we are learning that kind of stuff is there like a after school thing anywhere that I could sign up ?

Hailee’s Avatar
Hailee Dec 09, 2023 867 views

How would I become a doctor?

I’m 14 and I’m a freshman how would I become a doctor how many years of collage is there anyway I could get some scholarships being a freshman.

Vikram’s Avatar
Vikram Dec 06, 2023 380 views

How do you become a neurosurgeon?

Question Writing Tips

zara’s Avatar
zara Dec 02, 2023 299 views

how do I become a medicine dotor ?

why is medicine so hard aka why should i even become a doctor

melany’s Avatar
melany Dec 01, 2023 731 views

What is the hardest part of getting into med school?

Like what grades and requirments do you need.

Chastity’s Avatar
Chastity Dec 01, 2023 1146 views

How can I graduate without student debt besides scholarships/grants?

I want to become a doctor/surgeon which means it's a lot of money to become one. What are some options to graduating without debt besides scholarships? Thank you!

Chastity’s Avatar
Chastity Dec 01, 2023 359 views

Whats the best options for bachelors if I am unsure of what kind of doctor I want to be?

I'm curious to what my options are before getting into med school. I have no idea what kind of doctor/surgeon I want to become yet. Thank you!

Mutahajed’s Avatar
Mutahajed Nov 29, 2023 3679 views

Is Physics really needed for medical school or depends on what school I'm gonna choose?

I'm gonna choose my subjects soon this academic year and I searched about the topic but there wasn't a solid answer.

Aaliyah’s Avatar
Aaliyah Nov 21, 2023 3940 views

Why did you choose a career in the Health field?

What inspired you to help others?

Siaralyz’s Avatar
Siaralyz Nov 15, 2023 2664 views

What dose it take to become an dermatologist?

I’m in 11th grade and what do you need to do to become a dermatologist

ginna’s Avatar
ginna Oct 22, 2023 1702 views

What are some solid extracurriculars for medical?

I am currently a sophomore in highschool and I am wondering what are some solid extracurriculars that revolve around medical? I am currently in the IB programme and trying to maintain high grades, but I don’t think my grades solely will be able to get me into a good university. Another question...

Shayan’s Avatar
Shayan Nov 09, 2023 350 views

Is medicine worth it?

Is the 11 years of schooling and student debt worth the salary of being a doctor?

Aliyah’s Avatar
Aliyah Nov 09, 2023 324 views

What pushes people in the medical field ?

I almost died so I wanna become part of the medical field