Joe LaFerriere

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When considering a nursing program (and anticipating a move in the next two years) should I wait to begin nursing school until I know which state we will be relocating to?
Husband is Army and should be getting orders in the next two years. #nurse #military

Once I complete my bachelors degree in business management, should I continue my schooling in the Air Force or not get any more school?
I am going to get a Bachelors Degree in Business Management with a minor in Aviation. I will be participating in Air Force ROTC also. #college-major #military #military-pilot

What are the requirements for studying software development?
I was hoping for someone's advice for studying software development in general. I always wondered what would have to be done when someone decides to pursue software development. #software-engineering #software-development #courses #software-design #software-documentation

How do you set goals to accomplish a long term goal?
I am asking to here other professionals options, I don't want to be closed to learning something new. #entrepreneurship #social-work #law-enforcement #japan #therapists #family-therapy #real-estate-agent

What are the best Marketing certification programs?
I'm in my mid 30s, looking to transition into marketing. I have no experience right now and I think enrolling in a certification program will help me get into this field. Any advice would be helpful. #marketing #certification

I am interested in computer programming and I am wondering if the job market for these positions are only available in larger cities?
I come from a small town in the middle of no where and I am constantly being told that I have to expand my vision of where I want to attain a job in this position. I am a quiet, shy person who has never really been in a larger city and I am nervous about taking the step and moving to a larger...

what police options are their to be.
I am asking this question because i want to be one. I know that there are K9 units, motorcycle units, helicopter, bike, horse, etc... what others are there? #police #law-enforcement #police-officer

What are the best movies to watch to learn about the work force?
Hi! I'm Olivia. I just graduated from high school. I'm asking this because I really have no idea what I'm going to major in once I'm in college. I'm not saying that one film will magically put the answer in front of me, but I'm curious as to what will wait for me after college. Also, I know I...

What do you do in the army?
i want to go to West point university but they expect me to attend the army, so i want to know what do you do in the army #military #army

What are the benefits of entering into an ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Corps) or a similar program during college?
I have always wanted to serve my country in some fashion and a career in the military is one of the choices I currently have in mind. #college #military #financial-aid

What do you wish you had known before you went in to law enforcement?
I am currently in college and hope to pursue a career in law enforcement. I have looked up different law enforcement agencies, but I don't know which one is a good fit for me. What are some things you wish you had known before you went into law enforcement? Or before you picked a specific...

Do you have to get accepted to a famous university to get into medical school?
I will be applying to universities this year, and I plan to go to medical school. #college #medicine

What are some things that could happen when becoming a Veterinarian?
I would like to know some things that could happen when becoming a vet? #animal-health

What is the most difficult part of being a physical therapist?
I am a sophomore in college and I just decided to declare my major as pre physical therapy, and I was looking for a little more insight on the job itself! #physical-therapist #physical-therapy #physical-trainer #anatomy #exercise-physiology #exercise-science #scince

How to become a Hardware engineer?
I am in grade 10 and want to know the studies that will help me become a hardware engineer?
what should be the course i need to take for 11th&12th?
what is the graduation i have to do?
what is the salary for them?
#computer-hardware #hardware #financial-planning #career-details