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Steve Munoz’s Avatar

Steve Munoz

Chicago, Illinois
3 Answers
4980 Reads
1 Karma

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Riley’s Avatar
Riley Dec 14, 2022 6015 views

For those working in customer service jobs, what parts about that job could you see being a turn-off for those interested?

I'm curious about jobs like that but have heard a lot of horror stories and just want to know what the average experience is like.

Troy’s Avatar
Troy Aug 15, 2024 1657 views

What’s the best advice for someone transitioning to tech with bare experience?

After years of working in customer service & warehouse work, I believe a dead end jobs started to take fulfillment out of me. What are the best jobs to apply to get my foot in the tech world while acquiring certifications.

Ava’s Avatar
Ava Aug 20, 2024 1169 views

How to improve my study ethic?

what is the best study way what works the best for people I am a sophmore in highschool and I am trying to retain as much as possible so I can become a great surgeon one day