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Titilayomi’s Avatar
Titilayomi Jun 15, 2023 568 views

As a woman in the engineering field, how should I navigate the field differently than my male peers?

As a woman in the engineering field, how should I navigate the field differently than my male peers?

Daisy’s Avatar
Daisy Oct 27, 2023 1012 views

What skills does it take to be successful in the 21st century engineering field ?

I would love to be a civil engineer but this generation seems like it is getting more difficult, what do i need to know to be prepared for the future.

Alexander’s Avatar
Alexander Oct 04, 2023 1433 views

What education do you need to become a mechanical engineer?

Hello my name is alex and i am 12 years old. What education do you need to become a mechanical engineer? I want to know this because people say that it is very hard to become a mechanical engineer, but i don’t know what you actually need to become one. Also, what classes in high school and...

Scott’s Avatar
Scott Oct 10, 2023 948 views

Why is mechanical engineering interesting to you? Why did you select it over other engineering disciplines?

I am a senior in high school who doesn't know which engineering discipline to major in. Mechanical engineering is my top choice right now, I want to know more about it

brook’s Avatar
brook Dec 11, 2023 551 views

how do you know a job is right fot you?

how do you know a job is right for you

Anthony’s Avatar
Anthony Dec 11, 2023 625 views

Best Way To Stand Out For College?

I would like to go to Missouri S&T for college to pursue a degree in civil engineering. I have two awards forms my high school in the engineering department in PLTW and started as a full time college student my junior year through dual enrollment and took courses. What else should I try to do...