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What will be some good career classes to take in college?
What's some good classes?

What's the best way to make money as a 13 year old?
How could you increase your income as a 13-year-old? I've done lots of digging online, but it seems that most of the websites only allow people 18 or older to use it. The websites I can use would barely give me any profit. Should I take a different approach, like doing chores, and yard-working...

How do I know what job is the right job?
How do I know what job will be best for me? what factors into it? I want t to make good money but I also want to have a job I know I will like and actually want to go to everyday, not one I say "ugh I have to go to work".

How to choose the right career?
Hi, I'm 15years old grade 9th student. I want to be a doctor but my parents want me to be an engineer. How can I choose the right career for myself?