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Daniel Newman’s Avatar

Daniel Newman

Marketing & Sales Strategy
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Atlanta, Georgia
3 Answers
6946 Reads
1 Karma

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Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie Jan 07 2333 views

How do you recommend making friends in college?

I'm starting college in a few months and I've unfortunately been friendless throughout high school. This has mainly been due to social anxiety and lack of social skills.

Abigail’s Avatar
Abigail Jan 17 3844 views

What is the main thing to do to achieve my career ?

How will i be able to achieve my career and goals

Carmen’s Avatar
Carmen Jan 17 1281 views

How Can I look for scholarships?

How Can I look for scholarships?
Why I have to investigate about school?
What is something to considerate?
Where are some opportunities of jobs
How to get in universities?