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Gibsonia, Pennsylvania
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Sanya’s Career Goals

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Sanya Feb 01 624 views

Can someone chance my for the NYU Simon’s Summer Program? If so I have listed my ECs and my essay (in extra info box) down below! ECS: -Independent Endometriosis Research Exploring potential options for prediagnosis of Endometriosis -App Development Designing a user interface for an AI-powered women's health app. -Bright Futures Foundation Delivers handmaid letters to people in hospitals and homeless shelters, and offers free STEM classes to children. 100 letters collected. -LA Fires Fundraiser Collected over 250+ articles of clothing for the victims -Self Published Essay Author "75 Million Years: The Women's Health Crisis" on Medium Discussing the knowledge gap in women's health and its effects. -Writing a book about Women's Health and puberty for middle schoolers -EMT training at a local community college. -Volunteering at a Nursing Home (Sherwood Oaks) -Head of HR at Tutoring Startup Teaching Science and Math I approve lesson content, interview new hires, and match each student to a tutor. -HOBY Nomination attending June 2025 -SCIGIRLS (Science Club that builds Ruth Bader Ginsburg Machines using physics) -HOSA (Mostly just presentations from Health professionals) Academics -4.00 unweighted -4.4 weighted -it specifically asks for science/math classes HN Geometry HN pre calculus HN Algebra 2 HN Biology HN Chemistry HN Human Anatomy and Physiology (My school doesn’t offer any AP courses in math or science for sophomores)

Essay: Through my independent research on the possible diagnosis of endometriosis using tracer cells via academic papers, I have uncovered a passion for life sciences and using science to help women understand what is happening inside their bodies. My research has sparked an interest in...

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Sanya Jan 24 811 views

I want to apply to the NYU Simon’s Summer program but I know it’s extremely selective with only a 5% acceptance rate and I’m worried I’m not good enough so could anyone read my stats? I have a 4.5 weighted gpa and a 4.0 unweighted I maxed out the rigor of my course work in both of of my years of high school (I’m a sophomore) and for extracurriculars I started a nonprofit that has received over 100+ letters that go to children in the area that face hardships, I also started an LA fundraiser that has collected over 200+ clothing articles in about two weeks, I have an essay that’s almost ready to be published about the unintentional disregard of women in the health care system and its affects on their lives, I also have a children’s book about women’s health that should be ready to self publish in the second week of February, I have a HOBY nomination for leadership, I take an EMT course and will be certified by June, I am a girls in the run junior coach( local nonprofit that helps young girls become more confident and assertive), I also work as an HR at a tutoring company, I also have a prototype of a women’s health app I am trying to develop, and to finish off I started reasearching possible early diagnosis of endometriosis through cell trackers found in menstrual blood. However I know that pretty much all of the kids submitting an application have done these things or something way better so I was wondering if anyone could give me some ideas on how to help me get admitted into the program?!

NYU Simon’s Summer Program
-I also volunteer at a geriatric hospital
- Do color guard, violin , piano

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Sanya Jan 14 1041 views

I got into the StandOut Connect program this year and I applied because I heard it was a very competitive thing. However, they are asking for $2000 for the 4 month program. They would give me internships with alumni from top colleges after graduation but i don’t know if it’s worth it?

Spring Programs

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Sanya Jan 14 1003 views

I want to conduct research on the possible early diagnosis of endometriosis by using cell tracers in menstrual blood. However I am a sophomore in high school so I don’t really have a lab making all my research theoretical and even if I did have a lab I don’t have samples. Is there anyway to get around this?

High school student interested in pre-med or biochemistry engineering.

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Sanya Nov 09, 2024 530 views

I wanted to do a research paper on how water quality affects the human body and causes specific things to happen. However I’m only a tenth grader in high school and was confused on how to get started with it I was also wondering if I could publish this research paper so the work doesn’t go to waste? I know this kind of research was already done but I just wanted to see it for myself in my specific area.?

I was going to start with sampling water in different buildings around where I live but I can’t figure out how to do it beyond that.

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Sanya Jun 11, 2024 1172 views

I got a 76 on my math final and it dropped my math grade down to a 91% , I take Honors Algebra 2 as a ninth grader should I be worried that my math grade is so low?

My teacher also taught half the material three days before the exam.

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Sanya Feb 11, 2024 1027 views

What should I do if I have two different passions I heard that to get into competitive colleges you needed to show a spike on your resume like a specific passion you pursued. The issue is I have two science/biology and creative writing. I have always wanted to go to NYU, or Vanderbilt but both of those are competitive schools and I’m not sure how to connect these two passions? ?

I want to do pre med in college