Yandira Melon

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Is Social Work a Good Major??
I want to help people... I love helping people. However, with a major in social work and doing that full time, will I have enough of an income to pay off my college debt? Or would it be better to major in something else and then volunteer to help people? I would love to help people full time,...

I want to major in emphasis of soical work. What things do i need to know before going into this field of study?
The reason why I'm asking about this is because I want to know from others people experience in being a social worker, what to expect and what not to expect. Mostly get more advice.
#MajorInSociology #social-work

What physical and mental pain does a social worker develop?
I'm asking because i am doing research on a social worker because i want to be one. #psychology #career-details #social-work #phycologists

What is the number one interviewing skills you look for in a new social worker?
I will be job seeking by the end of summer. #boss #licensed #personal-development #social-work #social

Should I talk about my failures when being interviewed for a job?
I read an article about how a recruiter who interviews students got an answer of "I expect failure" from one of the students. Then they went and wrote an article on how this answer was amazing. Should I do the same and state some failures like struggles in class or should I keep that to myself....

What is the next big thing after touch screens?
Recently I've been seeing post and articles including pictures of holograms and devices where a touch of a fingertip is not necessary for it work. The touch screen was a big step ahead from the previous button touching but how much more can technologists push? I would like to be an innovator...

As an aspiring computer scientist...what tips could one give me to make an excellent LinkedIn profile?
I am working on my LinkedIn profile and resume....what kinds of things should I include as a tech major? #computer-science #technology #programming #linkedin #linkedin-recruiter #computing

What kind of traveling have technology careers done for private businesses early on?
Curious about early entrails of technolgy career! #technology #traveling

What can be done with a BS in Psychology in terms of jobs without a masters degree?
I am a Psychology major. #career #psychology #career-choice #social-work #clinical-psychology #psychotherapy

What are good volunteering ideas if I want to major in Social Work?
I plan on transferring from my community college to UT and would like to have some volunteering experience under my belt. #social-work #social-services

What is the difference between a Psychologist and a Psychiatrist?
I'm interested in these fields, but I just want to know which is which. #social-work #social-services #social-justice

I'm in my second year of college and thought I would major in psych and then decide if I will get my MA in social work or counseling later, however I heard about the advanced standing option for people who get their BA in social work so now I'm leaning towards that. I want to facilitate horse...

What exactly does the work of a social worker entail?
I am possibly interested in going into social work after high school but was unsure what exactly the job consists of. Thank you #psychology #social-work

How has being a social worker impacted you? What has been the most rewarding experience that you have had as a social worker?
Hi! I am a freshman in college and majoring in musical theatre and social science. When I graduate, I want to go to graduate school to get a master's in social work. Because I am planning to pursue a career in social work, specifically adoption social work or child welfare, I was wondering how...

Undergraduate vs Graduate degree in social work?
What are the differences in classes and the college experience between earning a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in social work? #psychology #degree #social-work #colleges