Emily’s Career Goals
I want to go to a good collage with a good piloting program and be a commercial or private pilot
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If you start a job you don't like, what is the best way to start another career without spending a lot of money? ?
I know things don't always work out, but how would you start over if you had to?

How do you help your mental health with a high stress job?
I am a sophomore in highschool and would like to know what is going to be my lifetime career!

What is the starting salary of a commercial pilot?
I am a sophomore in highschool and would like to know if this is going to be my lifetime career!

What college is best in training to be a commercial pilot?
I am a sophomore in highschool and this career is hopefully going to be my lifetime career! I have heard about a million school but I would like to know which is going to be best for me.

What is the hardest part in being a commercial pilot?
I am a sophomore in highschool and this career is hopefully going to be my lifetime career!

Are you on call as a starter pilot? How does a started pilot different from a veteran pilot?
I am a sophomore in highschool and this career is hopefully going to be my lifetime career!

What are the hardest years of being a pilot?
Loyalty is important to employers and I was wondering what time would be the hardest to be a pilot

How many hours a week did you start out being a beginner pilot?
I am a sophomore and wondering how being a pilot would affect my schedule

Is commercial piloting a low or high stress job ?
I am a high-school student in Minnesota and I don't know if I would like to be a commercial pilot. It is my top option but I know every career has some disadvantages