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Parth Rasu

Los Angeles, California
2 Questions
311 Karma

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Parth Rasu’s Avatar
Parth Rasu Apr 04 1563 views

Are Salesforce Certifications/Badges (e.g. Salesforce Certified JavaScript Developer I certification) helpful to land an entry-level job in current times? Any advice/insight will be greatly helpful! ?

I am not sure how useful will this certification be hence before I invest 32 hours in it, I would like to understand it's usefulness and value.

Any insight/advice is more than welcome!

I would like to understand what other certifications can be useful other than this?

Thank you!

Parth Rasu’s Avatar
Parth Rasu Feb 24 1020 views

In such current scenarios what would be the right way to go about landing a full time opportunity in software industry given that I am no previous full time work experience?

Guidance, career path