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Karen Koch’s Avatar

Karen Koch

Reward Director
Management Occupations
Wokingham, England, United Kingdom
4 Answers
3951 Reads
21 Karma

Active Locations

kai’s Avatar
kai Mar 02 1681 views

how come you have to take years of college just to be in debt and most likely can't get a job because u aren't familiar with the work like others ?

how come you have to take years of college just to be in debt and most likely can't get a job because u aren't familiar with the work like others ?

Elaine’s Avatar
Elaine Mar 01 913 views

Do you need lots of connections to get into the tech industry?

I'm a high school student.

marco’s Avatar
marco Feb 28 763 views

Do you need to be physically strong to be a business manager?

My name is Marco, and I don't like school

clinton’s Avatar
clinton Mar 06 1605 views

what is the best profession?

writing tips