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MOHAMMED SURAJ Jalilu’s Avatar


Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Wa, Upper West Region
2 Answers
1793 Reads
1 Karma

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Kay’s Avatar
Kay Mar 07 1342 views

I am 30, a freelance writer, ADHD, with too many interests, confused what to choose. Any help?

I have multiple interests like filmmaking, movies, art/digital art, fiction writing/novel, screenwriting, basically anything related to story and the craft of storytelling in any medium- writing, visual, etc. With that, I am also too driven for pyschology, self-help, sprituality and philosphy...

Cristian’s Avatar
Cristian Feb 06 974 views

What kind of education does an animator and cartoonist need?

What kind of education does an animator and cartoonist need?