Career questions tagged adhd

I am 30, a freelance writer, ADHD, with too many interests, confused what to choose. Any help?
I have multiple interests like filmmaking, movies, art/digital art, fiction writing/novel, screenwriting, basically anything related to story and the craft of storytelling in any medium- writing, visual, etc. With that, I am also too driven for pyschology, self-help, sprituality and philosphy stuff. Then some business aspect with blogging or online stuff attracts me too with the same with Youtube. I am fascinated with content creation for a long time. Having diagnosed with adhd, choosing one thing feels painful and like i am leaving a part of my personality behind, missing out. Even though i entertained the fact that i can be all or most or some one by one over time, and not have to choose. you know the specialization vs generalization thing. But struggling with the concept of not being master in one as well. Any help on this, any resource or anything will be great!

How do I focus on a fixed goal when i'm interested in too many things ?
I can't focus and work on a single goal since I have too many interests, my mind keeps getting distracted and i'm unable to work on any of them. The problem is I want to do too many things, I want to be a journalist in BBC or NHK, get a degree in law, become a dermatologist and on stage musican. Whenever I find something new, it catches my interest and I start digging around it. Ultimately, I want to travel the world, explore cultures and have a lot of fun.

I have many years of Business Intelligence experience, but am in the process of transitioning to ADHD coaching. Can you recommend a way to build out a new LinkedIn Profile?
#career #career-path #coaching #adhd

How much studying will be required? How much assistance will I get due to my Learning Disability
I have a learning disability and want to make sure I keep up with my classes. I have managed in high school but know it will be different in college. I am enrolling in a college with strong supports for people with learning differences. #educational-technology #online-learning #adhd #learning-disabilities #student-with-disabilities #disability-awareness/-advocacy

Is it a good idea for a male student with ADHD to go away for college as a freshman?
I am a senior in high school who is graduating this summer. I would like to go away and dorm but I was never away from my parents. I have ADHD, which at times I get impulsive and need a little help in the organization department. I would like to spread my wing and fly but I don't want to fail because of some of the weakness. I there anybody in my shoes and if so what did they do or can recommend? #adhd #graduating senior#confused