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Harshit Khoja’s Avatar

Harshit Khoja

Senior Sound Engineer
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Faridabad, Haryana, India
2 Answers
1800 Reads
1 Karma

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subash’s Avatar
subash Jun 22, 2016 1010 views

In which stream i should select in higher studies to become a Sound Engineer?

I want to become a Sound Engineer. But, I couldn't know to select my stream in higher studies. Please tell me which stream could i select? #engineer #sound

Josiah’s Avatar
Josiah Apr 22, 2024 1435 views

Does it really matter where you go to college?

I plan to major in piano and voice performance with a minor in psychology, and then start private music lessons. Does it matter where I go to college, or should I try to get into one that is more prestigious in the realm of music performance? I kind of want to go to a Christian college that is...