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Jenna Venturo’s Avatar

Jenna Venturo

Biomedical Engineering
Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Buffalo, New York
7 Answers
3601 Reads
11 Karma

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Gabriela’s Avatar
Gabriela Jan 04 2599 views

What brach in engineering should I choose?

Hi! I am Gabriela, an International Student in the US, I am Hispanic. I am currently coursing engineering as my degree, first semester and year, I am still a little lost in what engineering branch should I pick? Taking in count opportunities for internships and jobs in the future.

Justice’s Avatar
Justice Jan 07 1154 views

Scholarship Advice ?

Does anyone know any good scholarships that I can apply to? I applied to a STEM major and am planning to go to a university.

Aarushi’s Avatar
Aarushi Aug 19, 2024 775 views

1) How do you know if public health is for you? 2) Is it a low-stress job with high demand? 3) What will be the best minor option to pair up with a public health major? 4) what type of careers are there in public health?

I am a senior in high school and narrowed down to 2 possible career paths to focus on in college.
Thank you!

Jin’s Avatar
Jin Jul 07, 2024 824 views

How can I find internships in STEM? (remote or on-site)

Hi, I am currently a rising senior in high school and wish to find an internship to do over the summer (and possibly into the school year). I wish to get an internship in STEM as I wish to pursue a future career in it. I am unsure where to look or how to obtain one.

Tamara’s Avatar
Tamara Aug 19, 2024 485 views

Does Physics play a major role in Biomedical engineering? And are Biomedical science and Biomedical engineering the same thing?

Does Physics play a major role in Biomedical engineering and do I have to take up the course if Im studying Biomedical engineering in the University? And are Biomedical science and Biomedical engineering the same thing?

Tamara’s Avatar
Tamara Aug 19, 2024 982 views

What courses/AP classes will I take if I want to study Biomedical engineering?

What are the classes/courses that would be taken by someone who is studying Biomedical engineering in the university??