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Alex Matos’s Avatar

Alex Matos

Mechanical Engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Rochester, Minnesota
5 Answers
4012 Reads
11 Karma


Citizen Patrol
Samir’s Avatar
Samir Jul 02, 2024 570 views

What steps should I follow to get an expertise in SOLIDWORKS ?

As a mechanical engineering student I am looking to master CAD.

Amparo’s Avatar
Amparo Jul 10, 2024 1358 views

What Should I Do So I Can Prepare For The Workplace?

I'm starting out of school next year and I want to know some tips OR suggestions so that when I'm ready to get a job I can be aware.

Austin’s Avatar
Austin Apr 24, 2024 1089 views

How can I start preparing to become a mechanical engineer while I am young?

I’m 14 years old, and am very interested in mechanical engineering as a future career. My question is, how do I start? Mark Rober is one of my role models. How can I get to where he is?

Eldana’s Avatar
Eldana Apr 24, 2024 888 views

Is biomedical engineering a field that is worth going with?

I've been thinking about biomedical engineering, but it seems to be a broad topic. What exactly is it? Are there any good Jobs that go with biomedical engineering?

Jamie’s Avatar
Jamie Apr 19, 2024 981 views

Have you witnessed or dealt with discrimination in STEM?

We have a huge research project in our class where we need to gather information about discrimination people have faced in STEM? Whether it was when you were a student or have a full- time carrer, have you faced discrimination?