Alex Matos

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What steps should I follow to get an expertise in SOLIDWORKS ?
As a mechanical engineering student I am looking to master CAD.

What Should I Do So I Can Prepare For The Workplace?
I'm starting out of school next year and I want to know some tips OR suggestions so that when I'm ready to get a job I can be aware.

How can I start preparing to become a mechanical engineer while I am young?
I’m 14 years old, and am very interested in mechanical engineering as a future career. My question is, how do I start? Mark Rober is one of my role models. How can I get to where he is?

Is biomedical engineering a field that is worth going with?
I've been thinking about biomedical engineering, but it seems to be a broad topic. What exactly is it? Are there any good Jobs that go with biomedical engineering?

Have you witnessed or dealt with discrimination in STEM?
We have a huge research project in our class where we need to gather information about discrimination people have faced in STEM? Whether it was when you were a student or have a full- time carrer, have you faced discrimination?