Saroniel Torres
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How do you decide which path to go down?
I feel like I become interested in a lot of things, but nothing can keep my interest for long, how do you decide which path to take if nothing is holding your interest, and you become bored once you've got it down packed?

How do i stay inspired?
I'm in the 11th grade and i want to go into business after college. How do i stay consistent?

How can I develop myself ?
How can I develop myself and acquire more skill set that would be useful to me and in my own self development in relation to building a very good relationship with people

Why is it so difficult for me to find and stick to a career path that I actually like?
I'm an 18years old freshman, about 6'1 in height that quite excels at playing basketball but it's not really something I'd like to do after college. I think I have interest in programming and marketing but they are quite difficult and I find it very hard to stick to something, sadly. Pls help 🙏