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Elizabeth May’s Avatar

Elizabeth May

IT Auditor
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Montgomery, Texas
8 Answers
11164 Reads
21 Karma

Active Locations

chamel’s Avatar
chamel May 21, 2024 264 views

What is the worst way to get fired from a job OR get kicked out from a college ?

This may sound like dumb question, but i just want to know so i don´t make those mistake in any further job or kick out from a college.

Quierra’s Avatar
Quierra May 21, 2024 910 views

What steps should I take to secure a job or internship related to my field of study ?

I'm currently a 14-year-old in high school, and i've been thinking about approaching getting a job or internship in my area of interest. I want to be ready and know what steps to take beforehand to secure one.

Alexa’s Avatar
Alexa May 21, 2024 597 views

What helps keep motivation to do well in school?

As a high school student about to be a senior and trying to go to medical school I feel like I am losing motivation to continue studying outside of class. I no longer feel the sense of urgency to care about my grades, but I am trying. What helps other people keep their motivation to study and...

L’s Avatar
L May 21, 2024 780 views

Is a gap year worth the break from college?

Or is it dependent on your field/major

Ayanna’s Avatar
Ayanna Jan 15, 2024 3689 views

How hard is the CPA exam?

Hi, I'm a freshman at TSU and I major in Accounting and aspire to be at CPA I want to learn as much as I possibly can because this is a huge dream of mine.

fabian’s Avatar
fabian May 09, 2024 849 views

is working hard the most important thing in life?

is it working hard

Alex’s Avatar
Alex May 20, 2024 3075 views

How am I able to obtain a CPA with an accounting minor and a major in marketing, what are the requirements? Can you explain how I can build an accounting portfolio to get a high paying job? Do I have hope for that even with a minor?

I am currently a senior, trying to figure out how to build a portfolio in accounting to obtain a good job if marketing doesn’t work. I am confident in my major as I’ve built up a portfolio for it but the entry level pay may not be good. I appreciate your support and advice!

Savanah’s Avatar
Savanah May 13, 2024 939 views

what do i do after i graduate high school ?

i am a 9th grader i want to graduate early but i don't know what to do after graduation