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Somerdale, New Jersey
9 Questions
622 Karma

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Gillian Jul 17, 2020 1121 views

How much training do you receive on a full time cyber security job?

There are a plethora of different cyber security jobs out there, with much to learn as you are being introduced to the many different concepts of cyber security. After accepting a full time cyber security position, how much/what kind of training do you typically receive starting into your...

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Gillian May 09, 2019 1183 views

When do most comp sci internships start?

I’m going to be a junior in computer science this coming fall, and I would like to begin searching for internships for the experience. I am going to have to take a summer class during the month of May. Are there internships that allow you to start in the middle of the summer, or are there any...

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Gillian May 09, 2019 1368 views

How to prepare for an internship?

I’m in progress of a computer science bachelor degree. However, I’ve only had two coding classes: an introductory class using Visual Basic, and C++. I do not feel that I have learned much and would like to be more qualified for future internships. How may I further increase my knowledge outside...

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Gillian Mar 28, 2018 1203 views

What does a computer engineer do?

What does a computer engineer do? What are the career options for a computer engineer? What does a day in the life of a computer engineer entail? #engineering #women-in-tech #women-in-stem #computer-engineering #stem #girls-in-stem #girls-who-code #computer-software #computer-hardware...

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Gillian Mar 13, 2017 1103 views

Tasks of a Biomedical Engineer vs Tasks of a Chemical Engineer with Bio Specialization?

Do these two differ in terms of what they do in their daily work space? #engineering #biomedical-engineering #chemical-engineering

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Gillian Mar 13, 2017 11740 views

Biomedical Engineering vs Chemical Engineering with Bio specialization?

I have been interested in pursuing a Biomedical Engineering major. However, people argue that biomedical engineering is the jack of all trades and master of none. This has been concerning for me as I would very much like to major in something and feel that I have mastered what I am learning...

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Gillian Nov 14, 2016 3144 views

Are there engineering majors out there directly related to animals?

Animals have always been a huge passion of mine. I would love to know if there are any engineering majors that I can study that can lead me to an engineering job that involves working with animals. #engineering #civil-engineering #biomedical-engineering #animals #women-in-stem...

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Gillian Oct 29, 2016 1607 views

Being a woman in STEM, what is expected of your work life to be like as a civil engineer?

I have constantly been told that there are more men in the STEM field than women, and as a woman, it would be more difficult to communicate with my coworkers compared to being able to communicate with them if I was a man. I was told that I would be surrounded by other men who would not take me...

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Gillian Oct 29, 2016 961 views

What is typically expected in a work day for someone that is a civil engineer specializing in structural engineering?

Growing up, I have always been told that as a civil engineer, you either draw bridges or perform math calculations to make sure the bridges are able to successfully stand. However, what is it REALLY like in a typical work day? Do you work on indoors computers? Do you work outdoors at...