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Dominique’s Avatar


Manchester, England, United Kingdom
2 Questions
101 Karma

Dominique’s Career Goals

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Dominique’s Avatar
Dominique Oct 30, 2016 1375 views

Could I switch between two professions/jobs?

I was thinking of double majoring in nutrition and music, because I love both subjects so much and want to have both in my life. Would it be possible to switch between the two if one career path does not work out? I want to audition for a music company and be a trainee, but that would require a...

Dominique’s Avatar
Dominique Oct 30, 2016 1323 views

What would be the daily life of a vegan registered dietitian?

I want to become a registered dietitian when I finish college but my diet is different from the majority of the population: I am a vegan. Would I have to conform to give advice and counseling to clients who follow the standard american diet? Or could I give them advice based on studies that...