Kyana Afshari
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How does one join a large IT company like Microsoft, IBM etc from college?
Can I apply directly to these companies ? How do I know where to go ?

What careers can I pursue if I study information technology
I want to study information technology, but the careers that I'll pursue after that is what seems confusing to me?

How did you get interested in information technology and also learn it ?
Was it difficult to learn information technology and hard to grasp once you started learning it ? Who was your biggest influence in the Tech world?

How can I know which career to choose I'm in 11th grade ?
How can I know which career to choose
I'm in 11th grade

Why do adults always talk about college, knowing that people can succeed without it? ?
I am in the 11th grade. As far as my career exploration, I am more interested in culinary but not too sure about college yet.
Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

What type of phone set-up is needed to get started to enjoy Vloging?
I'm purchasing a phone, and "Vlog" and "monitor" and "shooting grip"
Cost Extra yes .
Should I pay?

what ? can i do to become best in computer science
In addition anyone who can guide me on the best career after school

What are some good colleges besides ivy-leagues that are good for a biology major?
Trying to look into some!