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Arjita Singh’s Avatar

Arjita Singh

SAP Consultant
Cincinnati, Ohio
3 Answers
5337 Reads
1 Karma

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Lizbeth’s Avatar
Lizbeth Feb 23 2345 views

How can I start getting internships since I just decided a major?

What do you recommend for a junior student studying business admin, operations and supply chain management that just decided their major looking to get internships such as non profit consulting and management consulting?

Mohammed’s Avatar
Mohammed Nov 13, 2023 2731 views

How do I start Management Consulting Career?

I need advice in how I make myself stand-out of the crowd that is already hunting Management Consultants jobs. I want to know the perfect kick start to management consultant career and unmeasured success.

Kate’s Avatar
Kate Jun 06 3265 views

How do I identify a fulfilling career?

With the numerous career options how can on find a fulfilling one.