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Vanessa Bastiani’s Avatar

Vanessa Bastiani

Contingent Workforce
Nashville, Tennessee
6 Answers
3857 Reads
1 Karma

Active Locations

Mellasia’s Avatar
Mellasia Jun 03 380 views

What tools I need to graduate ?

Study more & focus

Branden’s Avatar
Branden Sep 06, 2019 1467 views

What are the most challenging parts of being a human resources manager?

#human-resources #business-development #management

Cora’s Avatar
Cora Jun 03 744 views

As a 13 year old girl how can I make money?

I have babysat before but not much and people prefer to use my older sister not me anyways so what should I do?

Kim’s Avatar
Kim Jun 04 519 views

How do i know the career i chose is the right one for me ?

#Career development

Miley’s Avatar
Miley Jun 04 638 views

What are some summer jobs a 14 year old can get.?

Such as customer service, fast food, grocery

Kate’s Avatar
Kate Jun 06 3222 views

How do I identify a fulfilling career?

With the numerous career options how can on find a fulfilling one.