Indu Danthuluri
Seattle, WashingtonFollowing Tags
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what is the best tools and source to learn java ?
i want to learn programming

What would be the best way to learn coding or for a career in computer science?
I am in 11th grade. I find websites and the creation of code interesting. #computer-science # #coding #technology #programming

How do most programmers know what exactly to type when coding?
How do most programmers know what exactly to type when coding?

As a high school student, how do I know if computer science is the right college major for me?
I'm a 16 year old rising high school senior, and I've been learning how to code in my free time for the past year or so. I've decided that I want to study computer science in college, but I'm still not entirely sure about my decision. #college #computer #computer-science #college-major