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San Jose, California
6 Questions
551 Karma

Arnoldo’s Career Goals

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Arnoldo Jan 23 420 views

How can I find scholarships and other funding opportunities that match my qualifications?

Are there reliable websites or organizations to help me search? Should I be focusing on local scholarships or nationwide scholarships? Am I wasting my time doing these scholarships?

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Arnoldo Jan 23 1232 views

What resources and support services do colleges typically offer to help students succeed?

Are there specific programs for academic tutoring, mental health, or career planning? Do most colleges offer these resources to students who attend their college?

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Arnoldo Jan 23 1372 views

How can I prepare for college life and the challenges it brings.

Should I focus on improving time management or building independence? Will I be unprepared for when I have to do work?

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Arnoldo Jun 10, 2024 1680 views

What are some ways I can prepare for College?

What are some things I can do in order to prepare for College. Should I learn how to study in college levels. Do I need to start answering prompts for colleges in order to apply to colleges?

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Arnoldo Jun 10, 2024 802 views

What are the most successful jobs?

What jobs pay well and have a low employment rate. What are the employment rates for this job. What major do I have to get into in order to get into the job.

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Arnoldo Jun 10, 2024 657 views

Where can I find scholarships to apply too?

Where can I find scholarships to apply too. How do I apply. How do I know if I can qualify for them. How much scholarships can I apply too. What are the changes to make money for college off these scholarships.