Susan Burg
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Is it worth it to go to medical school and all of the training ?
Is it worth it to go through all the training and schooling to do these jobs. How often do you work and what hours? My dream job is a surgeon I just want free time as well. Thank you&

How would one know if med school if for them?
I know there is a heavy mental strain and it can be challenging to navigate through med school. I love helping people and interacting with them. And I have a strong interest in the medical field because I'm good at STEM. So, I was wondering what are some obstacles to expect if I choose to go to...

Are there lots of moments in which a surgical technologist tends to get in the way of the surgeon?
I am a 19 year old Job Corps student that wants to do something in the medical field. I want to know if being in the way of surgeons will potentially be an issue as a new worker.

what is the best way to start my path to becoming a surgeon assistant to work my way to becoming a surgeon ?
I'm 18 graduate and I'm currently at job core going to take a rehabilitation or CNA program to get my certification

would it be worth it to become a neurosurgeon?
I've been thinking recently ever since I decided that I wanted to be a neurosurgeon a few months ago, would the job really be worth it? sure they get paid a lot, but the hours would be excruciating. Not only that but the training they have is extremely difficult and intense. It'll also take a...

What's the most helpful thing a surgeon can do for a patient post surgery ?
I am an 8th grader.

What is it like to be a surgical technologist? How hard was school to achieve this job?
How many year did schooling take?

What can I do to be a surgeon without having to start from the scratch?
Hi, I'm Testimony, I'm in my second year studying physiology but I want to be a surgeon. Do I have to start from the scratch or is there a way I can transit after I'm done with physiology?

Where can I shadow someone in Emergency Medicine as 15 year-old in Columbus,Ohio?
Where can I shadow a trauma surgeon or a medical professional in emergency medicine as 15yr old in Columbus ,Ohio as I am interested in becoming. A trauma surgeon and want to shadow one to learn more about it. And I can’t find any opportunities near me if anyone is willing to help it’s highly...

As a surgeon what if you have to use the bathroom in the middle of the procedure ?
what do you do when having to use the bathroom during the procedure ?