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Ammy Theobald’s Avatar

Ammy Theobald

System Performance Engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
United States
4 Answers
9562 Reads
61 Karma
Aron’s Avatar
Aron Sep 28, 2017 855 views

Why is accounting a useful skill that needs to be learned?

I am interested in becoming a civil engineer or an engineer in general. I also see myself starting my own company/business in order to build certain projects through my company. I am aware that knowing how money works will be a necessary skill. How will minoring in accounting be useful in my...

KalebBlake’s Avatar
KalebBlake May 04, 2017 2932 views

Why do you need communication skills to be a computer programmer?

Why do you need communication skills to get this job? I mean, don't you usually just do your part of the team? #engineering #science #computer #career-details

Devetra’s Avatar
Devetra May 04, 2017 3705 views

How much truth is there in the saying, "it’s who you know not what you know?"

Heard the saying before but do not know if this applies in the business world. #business #business-management #international-business

Tamiya’s Avatar
Tamiya Dec 30, 2016 2072 views

When you have an video interview, what is the appropriate dress attire?

I had a video interview before, and I was dressed extremely business professional. The interviewer only told me I didn't have to dress professionally since it was a video chat. I would like to know the appropriate dress attire you all would recommend?
