Daniella’s Career Goals
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What are the pros and cons of Ivy Leagues compared to other colleges?
In all aspects, including socially, academically, financially, career-wise,etc., how do Ivy Leagues compare to other colleges/universities? Does their prestige affect the overall outcome of one's future? #college #career #university #career-path #social #career-development #ivy-league #academic

What are some reliable sources to find internships?
Lately, I've been trying to find some internships because it is one of the closest ways a high school student can truly understand the real world and what career one wants to pursue. It is really easy to search things up on Google, but I'm not sure if it is reliable. I personally would love to...

When applying to universities, the people at admissions always enjoy reading unconventional essays. How does one know that what they are writing fits this criteria?
I've been watching many interviews and videos about how the people at the admissions department enjoy unique essays as well as students who believe their essays are what really helped them get into the university. How can you make sure that one is writing something on the flamboyant side?...

Other than volunteering, what are other extracurriculars that makes an applicant unique on a college application?
I already know that volunteering is an important extracurricular activity, but what are other important activities to consider? I am a part of a few clubs at school, play the piano, and volunteer at an elderly center, but what are some activities that can set me apart from other candidates?...

Should high school students be focused on doing extracurricular activities based off of what they would want to major in college?
I have a friend who really wants to become a doctor, and almost all her extracurricular activities are tied around medicine. She did a medical program in Harvard, volunteers at a hospital, etc. Would she have a better chance of getting in somewhere because she knows what she wants and is doing...

When choosing what you want to do, is a stable income more important than chasing after what you actually want to do?
All my life, I was constantly encouraged to follow the path of becoming a cardiothoracic surgeon. I never felt queasy at the sight of blood, I find the heart to be the most interesting organ in the body, and I even would watch surgery videos on YouTube from Mayo Clinic. Although this may have...