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San Francisco, California
3 Questions
131 Karma

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Matthew Aug 28 1343 views

How do I reject a college acceptance letter?

For context, this isn't urgent because it hasn't happened yet. I just want to know what to do when I choose one college over another when both have already accepted me. Do I send the loser a rejection letter? Do I just not show up in the fall?

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Matthew Aug 28 571 views

How can I increase my chances of a nomination for the Naval Academy?

I'm an overachieving high school senior. I've contacted representatives and senators using the official template multiple times, but received no reply. I understand they are busy people and that they receive thousands of these letters, but I'd really like to get accepted. Advice?

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Matthew Aug 28 409 views

How difficult would it be to completely switch careers?

Ex: Go from civil engineering to acting.