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Maya Singh’s Avatar

Maya Singh

Product Manager
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Washington, Washington
7 Answers
3988 Reads
11 Karma

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Benz’s Avatar
Benz Oct 28, 2024 522 views

Reimagining Workforce Prep: What One Change Would You Make?

If you could start a movement to make one change in how we prepare students for the workforce, what would it be, and why is it so important? #Fall24

Athena’s Avatar
Athena Oct 29, 2024 613 views

what jobs could still be around in the future?

Multiple jobs have been replaced by computers. so what job should I apple for to guarantee it wont be taken over by machine

Kaitlyn’s Avatar
Kaitlyn Oct 30, 2024 1444 views

How do I go about exploring different tech fields?

I want to be in tech, I'm just not sure what careers are available for that.

Alex’s Avatar
Alex May 15, 2024 1099 views

How do I become a computer scientist What are the careers involved in studying computer science ?

What are the careers when having to study computer science

s’s Avatar
s Oct 01, 2024 1993 views

How do I get CS internships as a freshman in college with no background?

I'm a freshman in college who hopes to break into software engineering. I'm currently taking an intro CS course and linear algebra class, but I have no experience in working in a CS setting. How do I get a summer internship?

Alvin’s Avatar
Alvin Oct 07, 2024 565 views

What are some other majors I should consider if I already know a lot about CS?

I'm a senior in HS applying for college. I have done a lot of programming for personal projects and my school's robotics club. I'm thinking of studying CS in college, but I have heard that it's really hard to get into CS majors and the CS job market is getting really saturated. I'm interested...

Zucker’s Avatar
Zucker Oct 23, 2024 812 views

What are the things i need to know as someone who wants to start a tech company I am asking for guidance through all steps. ?

I am still an undergraduate studying computer science and aspiration and working to be a computer professional