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L'Marie Armstrong’s Avatar

L'Marie Armstrong

Behavioral Modification Specialist, Vocational/Avocational Personal & Professional Growth CCHt, MED, NCB, ORDM
Other - Management Occupations - Legal Occupations - Personal Care and Service Occupations - Community and Social Service Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Los Angeles, California
3 Answers
233 Reads
11 Karma

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Emma’s Avatar
Emma yesterday 78 views

What kind of mental strain is it being a forensic psychologist?

I've been considering a career in forensic psychology for a while now, but the one thing that has always stopped me is the mental strain. How hard is it to go to work everyday and focus on criminals and horrific cases?

Celine’s Avatar
Celine Sep 18 593 views

What classes should I take to become a dentist?

What classes should I take as a sophomore to make me successful. I would love to go into health sciences (dentistry/ortho)