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Julia Hunt’s Avatar

Julia Hunt

Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Baltimore, Maryland
4 Answers
5155 Reads
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Oliver’s Avatar
Oliver Jul 08, 2016 1397 views

How do I transition from Academia into Science and Information (Technical writer/Science writer/Entrepreneurial editor)?

I am a postdoc fellow in life sciences. I have been in a lab doing bench work for years and this is not as much fun and exciting as it used to be. Now, I am looking at my options, trying to figure out what my next move should be; but I know that the academic world is no longer an option....

Faith’s Avatar
Faith Oct 21, 2016 1913 views

What's a good career for someone who is very opinionated and persuasive?

Specifically in writing, not speaking. #writer #writing #writing-and-editing #creative-writing

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Aug 30, 2017 946 views

What can you tell me about a writing career?

Is there anything you can tell me on the subject of having a writing career? If there's any advise you can give me to become a fiction writer.
#Any advise would be helpful
#Thank you very much #journalism #online-journalism #writing #writing-and-editing

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Aug 30, 2017 1294 views

How should I improve my writing?

What can I do to improve my writing. And also come up some interesting ideas for story? #journalism

#Thank-you #writing #writing-and-editing